Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time
Expogrow Irún, our first time

Expogrow Irún, our first time

This was our first year.

Busy during the day and overnight.

We enjoy receiving who came to our booth to ask and know our work, to buy our seeds or to share their work and experiences with our genetics.

We distributed posters, stickers and promotional packages, handed out smiles and shared lots of laughs.

This time we share stand with friends Quercus Seeds, Badajoz, they are doing a good job.

One of the activities we liked to go visiting during the three days was the 2ND EUROPEAN FLAME OF FUNCTIONAL. We loved to see the artists working fire and glass. There were national representation, two artists: Red Glass Bubble and Heliox Glass.

Concerts every night with great artists, there were awards of cannabis cup.

We were family and we get along great moments in the heart.

Here you have some pictures and a short video of some vivid moments. Enjoy it!

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